How to Color Frosting Like a Pro

17 beautiful hues to make each by simply combining one 1 cup of frosting with the desired number of food-coloring drops.

warm color palette frostings


Warm Color Palette

  1. Marshmallow: Dip toothpick in red food coloring and swirl in frosting
  2. Pink Lemonade: 1 drop red food coloring
  3. Bubblegum: 4 drops red food coloring
  4. Sweet Corn: 49 drops yellow food coloring
  5. Lemon Drop: 10 drops yellow food coloring
  6. Apricot: 2 drops red, 22 drops yellow food coloring
  7. Sherbet: 6 drops red, 8 drops yellow food coloring
  8. Tangerine: 45 drops red, 80 drops yellow food coloring


cool color palette frostings


Cool Color Palette

  1. Cotton Candy: 4 drops blue food coloring
  2. Cornflower: 12 drops blue food coloring
  3. Blue Raspberry: 58 drops blue food coloring
  4. Spearmint: 1 drop green, 1 drop blue food coloring
  5. Pistachio: 1 drop yellow, 1 drop green food coloring
  6. Key Lime: 20 drops yellow, 10 drops green food coloring
  7. Basil: 80 drops green, 3 drops yellow food coloring
  8. Lavender: 3 drops blue, 4 drops red food coloring
  9. Eggplant: 50 drops blue, 110 drops red food coloring

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